Wagyu fried rice and Crispy Kani Salad + Sesame dressing

I often believe Japanese cuisine is difficult to arrange and cooking perplexing bowls is really not my cup of tea unless it is for exceptional events. In a latest cooking demo at The Maya Kitchen, renowned Japanese Chef Seiji Kamura showcased his unique recipes and immense gifts. Chef Kamura who has selected the Philippines as his dwelling for over 30 years is a highly regarded cooking figure in the local scene. Let me share just two of the many well loved Japanese fare that he made: with Crispy Kani Salad and Wagyu Fried Rice. I believe these two recipes are easy to prepare.
Crispy Kani Salad
My female child often organises her own version of the Kani salad without the cucumber. What makes this recipe distinct is the Kani is deep-fried. You will love the Sesame getting dressed because you can also use it to dress up shredded cabbage.

2 parts crab attach, shredded, encased with MAYA All reason wheat flour & deep-fried until crunchy
blended greens (Romaine lettuce, Lolo Rosa, iceberg)
40 grams pomelo, shredded
40 grams ripe mango, divide
Sesame getting dressed:
blend simultaneously and dispense over Kani blend
¼ cup vegetable oil
3 tablespoons vinegar
2 tablespoons calamansi juice extract
2 tablespoons Kikkoman
2 tablespoons sesame oil
40 grams white sesame, toasted & processed in a blender
2 tablespoons honey
Wagyu deep-deep-deep-fried Rice
This is a serving of food in itself that I even dub it the “Japanese Paella”. I’ve shared the Kiam Pung, the customary salted rice or the Chinese Paella so this Japanese fried rice is certain thing to try out too. The toasted sesame kernels always add a fragrant aroma and tasty taste to any meal.

1 teaspoon oil
3 heads garlic, divide
40 grams wagyu beef, cubed (1/4”)
1 cup made made food rice, crumbled
Salt & pepper to taste
1 teaspoon dairy spread
1 teaspoon Kikkoman
1 tablespoon white sesame kernels, toasted
Heat oil in a pot, add garlic – mix pan-cooked wagyu meat utilising medium heat. Add rice. time of the year with saline, pepper and Kikkoman. mix in dairy spread. Fry then sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.


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